CIER Analytics Lab

The CIER Analytics Lab will facilitate business analytics research and educational projects for all students and faculty members at Lakehead University, as well as strengthening collaborations with researchers from different universities or organizations across the world. The lab will be committed to addressing practically relevant problems and producing impactful research, as well as training highly-qualified personnel (HQP) in business analytics theory, technique, and skills.

The lab will partner with industry, who will provide data, problem scopes, access to users and experts, and other important resources needed to conduct a business analytics project. The industry partners are then matched with researchers and students, whose projects will align with the offerings from the industry. 

Depending on the project, students accepted for a project may participate in the CIER Analytics Lab Fellowship Program, where they will receive guidance and mentoring on their projects from their supervisors and industry partners, as well as training as they complete their project into a final report.

The lab will also collect open data or archival data to complement the data resources for student training and academic purposes. The members of the lab will be actively seeking funding support from internal and external grant opportunities (e.g. Mitacs, NSERC, and SSHRC) to facilitate its operations.

Industry Partnerships

Industry partnerships will be important to drive our projects forward. Industry will supply data, as well as a general problem statement that our researchers can follow. 

We are seeking industry partners in areas including, but not limited to healthcare, government, manufacturing, finance, insurance and banking.

For more information, email Kem Zhang (Manager) at